Bering Air operates regular passenger and cargo flights to and from the village of Noorvik.
Population: 560
Location: On the right bank of the Nazuruk channel of the Kobuk River, 45 miles east of Kotzebue.
Climate: Long cold winters and cool summers. Annual precipitation 16 inches, with 60 inches of snow.
Visitor Facilities: There is one hotel in Noorvik. Food is available at Big Daddy’s Grill. No banking services. Groceries and supplies are available at the Noorvik Native Store.
Contact: City of Noorvik, P.O. Box 146, Noorvik, AK 99763. (907)636-2100
Village Agent: Lonnie Tebbits (907)636-5110
For reservations, call 1-800-478-3943 or (907)442-3943