Bering Air operates regular passenger and cargo flights to the village of Wales.
Population: 173
Location: On Cape Prince of Wales, at the western tip of the Seward Peninsula, 111 miles northwest of Nome.
Climate:Maritime climate when the Bering Strait is ice-free, usually June through November. After the freeze, there is an abrupt change to a cold continental climate. Average summer temperatures range from 40 to 50 degrees F. Winter temperatures range from -10 to 6 degrees. Annual precipitation is 10 inches. Frequent fog, wind, and blizzards limit access to Wales
Visitor Facilities:Accommodations may be arranged in a trailer at the Wales Native Corporation [(907)664-3641], or in a room at the City of Wales Dome building. The IRA has 3 apartments, phone: (907)664-3062. No restaurant or banking services. Laundromat and showers are available. There are two stores in the village, Wales Native Store and Wales Corporation Store.
Contact: City of Wales, P.O. Box 489, Wales, AK 99783. (907)664-3501
Village Agent: Ryan Ongtowasruk 907-634-0127
For reservations, call (907)443-5464 or 1-800-478-5422