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April 6, 2020 Protecting Yourself on Bering Air Flights during COVID-19

As we at Bering Air continue to monitor the COVID-19 worldwide health emergency, we want to assure you, our customers, how we are working to stop the spread of the virus and what you can do to help.

  • We are strictly adhering to each communities’ specific requests for service and asking passengers for Travel Authorizations.
  • All of our employees, including pilots, are subject to a 14-day quarantine in Nome or Kotzebue, when arriving from out of region, before coming in to work.
  • Employees are asked to monitor their personal health with two temperature checks daily
  • Employees are required to stay home when sick
  • We have implemented additional cleaning and disinfecting protocols in our aircraft, workspaces, lobbies and bathrooms
  • We have reduced our flight schedule to limit exposure, yet still be able to provide you with reliable mail, freight, medical supplies and essential passenger service
  • We may deny boarding to any obviously sick persons

What we ask of you, our customer:

  • Travel is limited to only “essential” personnel. Please arrive for flight with any required travel authorizations in hand.  This may include one for your village, and additional ones for Nome and/or Kotzebue. 
  • If you must travel, please bring with you and wear a mask, bandana, handkerchief, or anything covering your nose and mouth for the entire duration of your flight.
  • We may deny boarding to obviously sick persons.
  • Eliminate handshakes, and personal contact, and keep a distance of 6ft or greater to others.
  • If you are sick, please stay home, get well soon, and avoid close contact with family, friends and relatives, especially elders

Further information can be found at: Bering Air Requests Community Cooperation 

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