Our Destinations
Bering Air serves 32 towns in Western Alaska from hubs in Nome, Kotzebue and Unalakleet. Most destinations receive twice daily scheduled flights Monday through Saturday, with once a day service on Sunday. Use our interactive map below to learn more about the local area. See our schedules for planned departure and arrival times. Of course you can always charter us anywhere in Alaska, Russia, Canada, and the lower 48.
NOME & UNALAKLEET DESTINATIONS:Bering Air serves 16 villages from its Nome hub. Click on a village to find visitor and flight information.
- Brevig Mission KTS
- Council CIL
- Elim ELI
- Gambell GAM
- Golovin GLV
- Koyuk KKA
- Little Diomede DIO
- Nome OME
- Saint Michael SMK
- Savoonga SVA
- Shaktoolik SKK
- Shishmaref SHH
- Stebbins WBB
- Teller TLA
- Unalakleet UNK
- Wales WAA
- White Mountain WMO
KOTZEBUE DESTINATIONS:Bering Air serves 11 villages from its Kotzebue hub. Click on a village to find visitor and flight information.